Sunday, April 17, 2011

Confederate History and Heritage Month

Office of the Governor
STATE OF ALABAMA                                        
 Press Office
March 31, 2011

Confederate History and Heritage Month
By the Governor of the State of Alabama
A Proclamation
WHEREAS, April is the month in which the War Between the States began; and
WHEREAS, April is the month the State of Alabama observes Confederate Memorial Day as a State Holiday, and
WHEREAS, the history of the North-South conflict is a significant part of Alabama history; and
WHEREAS, high among those burdens borne upon the shoulders of any citizenry is the burden of armed conflict; and
WHEREAS, Alabamians have admirably answered the grim call to duty when beckoned, from the era of the musket to that of the missile; and
WHEREAS, the ominous clouds of dissension gave birth in the city of Montgomery to the Confederate States of America; and
WHEREAS, Alabamians again heeded the clarion with dignity, both at home and on the field of battle; and
WHEREAS, upon the conclusion of the war, many of these same leaders and citizens worked tirelessly to reunite and rebuild this country and forge reconciliation; and
WHEREAS, the knowledge of the role of the Confederate States of America in the history of our state and nation is vital to understanding who we are and what we are; and
WHEREAS, we honor our past and from it draw the courage, strength and wisdom to reconcile ourselves and go forward into the future together as Alabamians and Americans:
NOW, THEREFORE, I, Bob Bentley, Governor of Alabama, do hereby proclaim April 2011, as Confederate History and Heritage Month in the State of Alabama.
Given Under My Hand and the Great Seal of the Office of the Governor at the State Capitol in the City of Montgomery on the 31st day of March 2011.
Governor Bob Bentley

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