I’ve heard it humorously said that April 1 should be called National Atheist Day, playing off of David’s Psalm 14 “The fool has said in his heart, there is no God.” I began to think about that in the light of the drama being played out in our nation, our city and in our schools where it seems that we have lost all good sense, discipline, morality and direction.
The secularist will say, we must keep God from the public forum…we must separate church from state. This too is foolish. Our founding fathers proclaimed in our Declaration of Independence that our right to exist as a nation and as free people is derived from God. God was the very foundation on which this nation was built.
Why then is it so important for secularists and atheists to ban God from the public arena? The answer is simple. If God exists, we are subject to His authority. We are obliged to follow His code of conduct, of right and wrong. There is no question as to what right and wrong is…that is all established by the Word of God, the Bible.
The profound reality is magnified with the thought, on this April Fools Day, that there is no God. The truth is, without God, nothing about which we are so concerned matters two hoots. All of the political corruption, the crime, the war, the poverty, violence against women, drug abuse, child abuse, health care, disease and death…none of this really matters. Violence in the schools, shootings in the park, robbery at the local convenience store or bank, ugly words by unrighteous ‘ministers’ in high profile churches, (did I mention corruption in politics?)…this is all now OK, as it simply exemplifies the rise, success and survival of the strong and the fit. That’s a natural law outside of the influence of God. That’s the law of evolution. If I knock you in the head and take your treasure, that’s permissible…I am stronger and I will survive. There is no right and wrong. Societal right and wrong, you say? Who cares what YOU say is right and wrong.
The very bottom line is that if you and I and the universe were not created by Almighty God, the God on whom our founding fathers based our entire nation, then you are a fluke, you are an accident of random chance, you are a jiggling, vibrating collection of mostly carbon based atoms that operate in a somewhat predictable sequence, and nothing more. Neither your mother or father, your children your friends, your entertainment, Beethoven, Shakespeare, Michael Jackson, your church…nothing you cherish has any substantial value. It’s all here today and gone tomorrow, if there is no God.
If God is on His throne, we have some serious adjusting to do if we are to survive as a city, as a nation and as individuals. The Bible refers to a people who have a form of Godliness, but deny the power thereof. If we have a powerless God, we have no God. If we have no God, the circle is once again complete.
We have National Atheist Day today; we celebrate the life of Jesus Christ tomorrow. Choose this day who you will serve.
Dr. Tom Hammett
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